Utility Department


EXAMPLE: Deliver a 2nd can, turn water off for repairs or anything which we would create a WORK ORDER for,

Please just call our office at 229-759-6465 and we will be glad to help. 

Steps to set up New Utility (Water, Sewer & Trash) Services:

1. Fill out the Utilities Application listed under Supporting Documents

2. Attach Driver's License (FRONT SIDE ONLY), Lease (RENTING) or Closing Disclosure (BUYING)

3. Fax ( 229-759-6249), Email (robin.mcdade@cityofleesburgga.com) or Bring the documents to  Leesburg City Hall (107 Walnut Ave N.)

4. Once the deposit is paid, utilities will be connected.

Deposit is $200.00 cash, credit, or debit. No personal checks will be accepted for the deposit. Trash is $23.00 per can a month.

Due date is the 10th of the month. A $5.00 Late Fee is added on the 11th of the month.

DISCONNECTION  for NON-PAYMENT is the 21st of the month.

Unless the 21st falls on a Friday, then Cut OFF will be the 25th

ONLY Cash or Credit/Debit (no checks) taken for payment for reconnection and bill must be paid in full (including a $75 processing fee). 

ADJUSTMENTS FOR LEAKS - When your bill is higher than usual , it is most likely caused by a leak, either on homeowners side or city side. First thing to do is check around your home for any signs of a leak. A toilet that doesn't stop after you flush is the most common cause of leaks. If this is the case, You must fix it as soon as possible. If you cannot find a leak on the homeowner's side , then call City Hall and request a work order be done to check for a leak on the city side.


TO GET AN ADJUSTMENT - customer must have proof the leak has been fixed.

Electricity will be serviced by either Georgia Power or Sumter EMC

Residential Trash Collection is on Tuesdays. The can must be out by the road by 7am with the arrow facing the road. The can must be pulled back to the residence after the trash is collected. Trash must be in bags and the bags must be tied closed. If you need an extra can, please contact the office. An extra can is an extra $23.00 per month per can. Any residence found with more than one can will be charged the extra can fee until such time as the can is returned.


Illegal Dumping is punishable by a fine of $275.00.


Paying Your Bill

Failure to receive a bill does NOT relieve you of the obligation to pay your bill.

If you do NOT receive a bill in the mail, they are available to view online via the payment portal. Enter your account number and last four digits of your phone number. If the account does not come up it could be that the phone number on file is not current. Please call us to update your information.

Meters are read on the 15th each month.  If you wait until after the 15th to pay your bill, your NEW BILL may be reflected in the balance.

If you wish to pay only the past due amount, Click the button that says "other" and enter the amount.

Pay by phone at 1-844-752-4176

Click Here to Pay Online

For After Hours emergencies related to water/sewer: (229) 759-6012



If you are moving outside of the city limits, please fill out the disconnection form and fax or email as soon as possible to schedule disconnection of services. The final bill will be deducted from the deposit on the account. If there is a refund after your final bill, you will receive a check at your forwarding address. Refund checks are processed once a month and will be mailed out after the 5th of the next month.


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Robin McDade Senior Administrative Assistant (229) 759-6464 or 6465 robin.mcdade@cityofleesburgga.com
Erin Martin (229) 759-6464 or 6465 erin.martin@cityofleesburgga.com